Emporiae, Hispania Tarraconensis – Part III

Quick Info: Address: C/ Puig i Cadafalch s/n 17130 Empúries-l’Escala Hours: Everyday 10:00-17:00/18:00/20:00 Admission: 5 Euro As I mentioned in the post on the Greek section of Emporiae, the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya Empuries is not very extensive. It is easily viewable in a half an hour or less, and that’s coming from someone that…

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Emporiae, Hispania Tarraconensis – Part II

Quick Info: Address: C/ Puig i Cadafalch s/n 17130 Empúries-l’Escala Hours: Everyday 10:00-17:00/18:00/20:00 Admission: 5 Euro Continued From Emporiae Part I (The Museum) The Roman portion of Emporiae lies to the west of the Greek Neapolis, on a ridge overlooking the Greek settlement, at the location of the encampment of Cato during the campaign against…

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Emporiae, Hispania Tarraconensis – Part I

  Most Recent Visit: June 2016 Quick Info: Address: C/ Puig i Cadafalch s/n 17130 Empúries-l’Escala Hours: Everyday 10:00-17:00/18:00/20:00 Admission: 5 Euro I thought it appropriate that my first post be about the site that nearly kicked off my archaeological odyssey about eight years ago. My first stop on my first trip to Europe was…

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