Augusta Emerita, Lusitania – Part V

Quick Info: Address: Calle José Ramón Mélida s/n 06800 Mérida Hours: Everyday 09:00-21:00 (April to September) Everyday 09:30-18:30 (October to March) Admission: 6 Euros (15 Euros combination ticket) Continued From Augusta Emerita Part IV In a modern city that is full of intriguing vestiges of the Roman city, the crown-jewel of those remains is often…

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Arretium, Etruria.

Most Recent Visit: July 2013 Quick Info: Address: Via Margaritone, 10 52100 Arezzo Hours: Monday-Saturday 8:30-19:30 Sunday 13:30-19:30 Admission: 6 Euro Present day Arezzo began as an Etruscan settlement called Aritim, probably in the 9th century BCE. For the sake of clarity, I’ll use the Roman name, Arretium, throughout to refer to the ancient city,…

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Emporiae, Hispania Tarraconensis – Part II

Quick Info: Address: C/ Puig i Cadafalch s/n 17130 Empúries-l’Escala Hours: Everyday 10:00-17:00/18:00/20:00 Admission: 5 Euro Continued From Emporiae Part I (The Museum) The Roman portion of Emporiae lies to the west of the Greek Neapolis, on a ridge overlooking the Greek settlement, at the location of the encampment of Cato during the campaign against…

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