Augustodunum, Gallia Lugdunensis – Part II

Continued From Augustodunum, Gallia Lugdunensis Part I From the Porte Saint-André, it’s about a 10 minute, 700 meter walk to the next site located to the south; Les Maisons des Caves Joyaux. This building is located down the access road to the Roman theater off of Av. du 2 ème Dragon. Though there is no…

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Augustodunum, Gallia Lugdunensis – Part I

Most Recent Visit: May 2022 Today located at the site of the modern city of Autun in eastern France, the Roman city of Augustodunum was founded sometime in the late 1st century BCE, during the reign of Augustus. Named after the emperor (with the added Celtic suffix denoting a hillfort, dunum), the city was a…

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Messene, Achaea – Part VIII

Continued From Messene, Achaea – Part VII Continuing along the road another kilometer and few minutes of driving (not through the gate) is another well-preserved section of the fortifications. There is no gate here, but rather the wall was destroyed to allow the passage of the road. On both sides of the road, significant portions…

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Messene, Achaea – Part VII

Continued From Messene, Achaea – Part VI To the east of the gymnasium/palaestra area is the stadium, which is effectively considered part of the gymnasium complex. It is bordered on the northern, western, and eastern sides by doric stoas that have been reconstructed using the materials found in situ. The seating at the north end…

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Diocletianopolis, Thracia – Part II

Continued From Diocletianopolis, Thracia – Part I Continuing on at the Camel Gate, inside the Camel Gate, located just to the west, are the remains of barracks abutting the fortification wall. These barracks were constructed in the late 4th or early 5th century CE. Originally the barracks built at this time along nearly the entirety…

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Diocletianopolis, Thracia – Part I

Most Recent Visit: July 2019 Among the modern town of Hisarya, Bulgaria are the remains of what was once the Roman settlement of Diocletianopolis. Habitation at the site of Diocletianopolis seems to date back at least 6,000 years. The prevalent mineral hot springs there likely attracted attention to this particular location. By the 5th century…

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Asturica Augusta, Hispania Tarraconensis – Part II

Continued From Asturica Augusta, Hispania Tarraconensis – Part I Continuing out through the northeast exit of the Jardín de La Sinagoga, and then north on Calle Padres Redentoristas, is the Domus del Mosaico del Oso y los Pájaros, the Domus of the Mosaic of the Bear and Birds. Located at Calle Padres Redentoristas 19, the…

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Asturica Augusta, Hispania Tarraconensis – Part I

Most Recent Visit: July 2022 Located today among the modern city of Astorga, in the province of León in northeastern Spain, was once the Roman settlement of Asturica Augusta. The area of the settlement was inhabited by the Amaci, a Celtic population that was incorporated into the tribal confederation of the Astures at some point…

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Castrum Divionense, Gallia Lugdunensis

Most Recent Visit: June 2022 Little is known about the history of the Roman and pre-Roman settlement that preceded the Castrum Divionense; Divio (Modern Dijon, France). The name seems to derive from a word relating to a sacred fountain, which may have been present there. Evidence suggests habitation in the area from at least the…

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Aquincum, Pannonia Inferior – Part V

Continued From Aquincum, Pannonia Inferior – Part IV From the Cella Trichora, it’s about a 20 minute, 1.2 kilometer walk to the next stop, tucked inconspicuously into a residential area behind (west) of the building at Harrer Pál u. 12. Located here, mounted on a pillar is a partial relief of a goddess crowned in…

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