Beroea, Macedonia

Most Recent Visit: May 2024 The ancient city of Beroea (also Berea or Beroia) was located in Macedonia at the foot of the mountain of Bermion (modern Vermio Mountains) on the banks of the longest river in Greece, the Haliakmon. Today the modern town of Veria occupies the site of its ancient predecessor. According to…

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Dium, Macedonia – Part V

Continued From Dium Part IV The walls of Dium continue southward and the path continues to follow the exterior (there is no path along the interior), with some spolia such as an altar visible within the walls. Some drainage features can also be seen. Some more robust towers (in comparison to the northern interior wall)…

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Dium, Macedonia – Part IV

Continued From Dium Part III To the west of the forum of Dium, across the previously mentioned small road running along the west side of the forum, is the Episcopal Basilica. Construction was begun on the basilica in the late 4th century CE, but was never finished due to destruction from an earthquake. A new…

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Dium, Macedonia – Part III

Continued From Dium Part II From the Sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistos, the Sanctuary of Isis is tantalizingly close to the east, and despite a sign indicating access to the temple through this area, there is none. From here, the Sanctuary of Isis is across the modern course of the river. A bridge apparently used to…

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Dium, Macedonia – Part II

Continued From Dium Part I Continuing on and retracing back from Hellenistic Theater to the main path and then south for about 115 meters, to a point where the path curves, are a set of remains identified as part of a Roman-era bathing complex with two phases of construction. The large room in the northeast…

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Dium, Macedonia – Part I

Most Recent Visit: June 2021 Known to the Greeks as Dion, the city that would become Dium under Roman rule is located on a plain in the foothills to the north of the Mons Olympus, Mount Olympus, in the region of Piera, the homeland of the Pieran people. The name Dion derives from Dios, a…

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